It is always exciting to start and finish a project! There are so many ways to begin and end our knitting so needing a place to reference the "how to's" is a must. I need a refresher from time to time myself! I have compiled some of the cast-ons and bind-offs you will see in Hanks And Needles patterns. Don't see what you are looking for? Know more are coming and, as the pattern collection grows, I will be updating here along the way to give you an accurate, handy place to refer to. Be sure to bookmark this page for a quick way to jump back when you need a quick refresh on any of the techniques !
Cast On's
German Twisted Cast On
Set-Up: Leaving a long tail, make a slipknot and place it on the needle. Hold the needle in the right hand. With the left hand insert the thumb and index finger between the strands, spread them apart to create a “V” shape, and turn them up to wrap the tail around the thumb and the working yarn around the index finger. Hold the ends of the yarn with the remaining fingers of the left hand.
Step 1: Insert the needle under both thumb strands. Then bring the needle up and over the back thumb strand, and down into the thumb loop and forward under the front thumb strand.
Step 2: Draw the needle over to the index finger strand. Catching the yarn on the index finger and pulling it forward. At the same time bend the thumb down towards the fingers to open up the thumb loop.
Step 3: Bring the needle down through the thumb loop, then forward and up. Remove the thumb from the loop, then insert it between the strands and pull both tails to tighten the stitch.
Work Repeat steps 1 to 3 until all stitches have been cast on.
Icord Tab Cast On
With scrap yarn and crochet hook, cast on 3 sts onto needle.
Row 1: With Color A, *K3 sts, slip sts back on left needle with yarn in back* rep from * to * 2 more times or number of time indicated in the pattern.
Row 4: K3, turn Icord 90º, pick up and knit 1 st (or number indicated in pattern) from Icord edge, then remove scrap yarn and place stitches on working needle in reverse order. 7 sts (or number indicated in pattern).
Begin working.
Judy’s Magic Cast On
This is a simple cast on for Toe-Up socks, created by wrapping the yarn around two parallel needles mimicking stockinette stitch.
With a 10” (25.5 cm) tail, drape the yarn over one needle, hold the second needle parallel with the tail in the center of the needles.
Under the needles cross the tail and working yarn, so that the tail is now in the back and the working yarn is in front. Place your thumb and index finger of your left hand between the two strands, so the tail is over your index finger and the working yarn is over your thumb. The first stitch is now formed on the back needle.
Keeping the needles parallel, loop the yarn on your finger up and over the front needle bringing the yarn between the needles.
Bring the yarn on your thumb up between the needles and over the top of the back needle.
Rep Steps 3 and 4 until desired number of stitches on each needle.
Drop yarn from left hand and rotate needles so the back needle is now in front. Begin working in the round using Magic Loop or divide stitches on the back needle half if using DPNs.
Provisional Cast-On
This cast-on is used when stitches are to be worked later.
With scrap yarn and a crochet hook, chain the number of stitches plus a few extra. Cut the tail, pull it through the last chain.
With knitting needle and working yarn, pick up and knit the stated number of stitches through the “bumps” on the back of the chain, leaving a 10” / 25.5 cm tail. Begin working pattern.
When Cowl is complete, remove the scrap yarn chain by slowly pulling on the tail to unravel the crochet stitches, placing the live stitches onto a US2 / 2.5 mm needle (or smaller). Once all the live stitches are placed on the needle begin working the Kitchener Stitch.
Bind Off's
Grafting/Kitchener Stitch (flat)
Break yarn leaving a long tail, and thread it into your tapestry needle. Hold the two needles parallel to each other with the wrong sides together with the working strand on the right hand side of the back needle. Insert tapestry needle into the first stitch on Front Needle as if to purlwise, leave the stitch on the needle. Then insert the needle into the first stitch on the Back Needle knitwise, leaving the stitch on the needle.
Insert tapestry needle knitwise into the first stitch on the Front Needle, slipping the stitch off the needle.
Insert the needle into the next stitch on the Front Needle purlwise and pull it through. Leave stitch on the needle.
Insert tapestry needle purlwise into the first stitch on Back Needle and remove the stitch from the Back Needle.
Insert tapestry needle knitwise into the next stitch on the Back Needle, leave stitch on the Back Needle.
Repeat Steps 2-5 until all stitches have been worked.
Grafting/Kitchener Stitch (in the Round)
When working the Grafting/Kitchener stitch in the round there is no setup stitch. I recommend placing a removable stitch marker on the first stitch on each needle, the first stitch will be worked with the last stitch on each needle at the end.
Insert tapestry needle knitwise into the first stitch on Front Needle and remove the stitch from the Front Needle.
Insert tapestry needle purlwise into the next stitch on the Front Needle, leave stitch on Front Needle.
Insert tapestry needle purlwise into the first stitch on Back Needle and remove the stitch from the Back Needle.
Insert tapestry needle knitwise into the next stitch on the Back Needle, leave stitch on the Back Needle.
Repeat Steps 1-4 until one stitch remains on each needle.
Repeat Step 1.
Using the first stitch on the Front Needle marked with the stitch marker, repeat Step 2.
Repeat Step 3.
Using the first stitch on the Back Needle marked with the stitch marker, repeat Step 4.
Carefully weave in the tail between the layers of fabric to secure the end.
I-cord Bind off
K3, * slip 3 sts just worked back on left needle, k2, k2tog tbl * rep from * to * to last 3 sts.
Graft remaining sts together for a seamless look or knit them all together.
With tapestry needle weave in ends.
Carefully wet or steam block to dimensions; do not pull too tight.
Allow to dry completely.